
As a software engineer by day (and night), it should be no surprise that I have public code repositories available. Plenty of software developers believe in the open source movement and, while I won’t say that I am a purist, I do appreciate the benefits in certain cases. Here I’ve listed my public profiles and code repositories on the different services I use:

NOTE: bare with me, the repos below may seem pretty empty… it’s not that I don’t have stuff up there, but more that I haven’t quite decided what I want to make public yet!

This small script project is intended to help in the downloading and importing of cryptocurrency data (like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) into GnuCash.
This simple project has two purposes: first, it serves to provide the ability for users to watch any arbitrary public address on any cryptocurrency blockchain that exists. Second, it is a launching point for my development of hybrid/mobile apps using Ionic Framework and blockchain technologies. This will contribute to the development of REALMs.