Relocating my blog!

After having a nice amount of success on my YouTube channel and seeing the advertising money roll in, I decided I wanted to check on how my blog was doing. Turns out, it was doing pretty well! Not quite as well as my channel, but well enough that I figure, it’s probably time to monetize it. Unfortunately, my previous blog host WordPress doesn’t allow free bloggers the ability to setup ads. While I do love the WordPress interface, that’s a minor consideration compared to other things.

So, with all of that said, I am in the process of moving my blog over from WordPress to Blogger. I actually used to use Blogger as my primary blogging platform, but for some reason stopped. (I can’t remember why.) The import/export features of WordPress and Blogger don’t appear compatible, so I have to do this by hand. Thankfully, I only have 15 posts over on WordPress, so it shouldn’t take too long.

The benefits of moving back to Blogger are more than just the advertising potential. Blogger also integrates well into Google Analytics and YouTube. This helps standardize the tracking and integrations for my content.

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